This is how to stop EMC Networker:
# /bin/nsr_shutdownAnd this is how you start it (taken from /etc/inittab):
# echo "sh /etc/rc.nsr" | at now
This is how to stop EMC Networker:
# /bin/nsr_shutdownAnd this is how you start it (taken from /etc/inittab):
# echo "sh /etc/rc.nsr" | at now
Topics: Backup & restore, EMC, EMC Networker↑
To perform recoveries from EMC (or Legato) Networker on the command line, you can use the recover command. The recover command runs in two modes:
Interactive mode: Interactive mode is the default mode for the recover command. This mode places you in a shell-like environment that allows you to use subcommands. These commands let you navigate the client file index to select and recover files and directories.
Non-interactive mode: In non-interactive mode, the files specified on the command line are recovered automatically without browsing. To activate non-interactive mode, use the -a option.
Using recover in Interactive Mode:
Login to the server you need to recover the file for and then type recover. This will place you in the recover shell environment. You can also type recover [pathname] to set your initial working directory (recover /etc), the default is the current working directory.
Note: If you do not get a recover prompted when you type recover, add a -s servername option:# recover /etc Current working directory is /etc recover>
# recover -s hostnameThe following commands let you navigate a client file index to select and recover files and directories:
# recover -a /etc/hostsUsing the recover Command in Directed Recoveries:
Using the recover Command to recover a file from a specific date: Enter the recover shell by typing recover. Locate the file you need to restore using the ls and cd commands. List the versions for the file using the versions command, and use the changetime command to change to the day the file was backed up. Add the file to the recovery list using the add command.# recover -a -d /restore /etc/hosts Recovering 1 file from /etc/ into /restore Requesting 1 file(s), this may take a while... ./hosts Received 1 file(s) from NSR server `networker' Recover completion time: Thu Nov 18 14:39:15 2009
Using the -f option we can recover files from the command line without having to answer questions if we want to overwrite any existing files. For example, if you wish to recover the entire /etc file system into /tmp:# recover Current working directory is / recover> versions /etc/hosts Versions of `/etc/hosts': 4 -rw-rw-r-- root system 2006 Mar 31 16:32 hosts save time: Mon Aug 9 20:02:53 EDT 2010 location: 004049 4 -rw-rw-r-- root system 2006 Mar 31 16:32 hosts save time: Fri Aug 6 21:11:07 EDT 2010 location: DD0073 at DDVTL 4 -rw-rw-r-- root system 2006 Mar 31 16:32 hosts save time: Mon Aug 2 20:06:48 EDT 2010 location: 004242 at rd=ntwrkrstgnd1:ATL 4 -rw-rw-r-- root system 2006 Mar 31 16:32 hosts save time: Fri Jul 30 21:09:15 EDT 2010 location: DD0054 at DDVTL 4 -rw-rw-r-- root system 2006 Mar 31 16:32 hosts save time: Mon Jul 26 20:10:20 EDT 2010 location: 004095 recover> changetime 8/1/2010 6497:recover: time changed to Sun Aug 1 23:59:59 EDT 2010 recover> add /etc/hosts /etc 1 file(s) marked for recovery recover> recover Recovering 1 file into its original location Volumes needed (all on-line): DD0054 at \\.\Tape20 Total estimated disk space needed for recover is 4 KB. Requesting 1 file(s), this may take a while... ./hosts ./hosts file exists, overwrite (n, y, N, Y) or rename (r, R) [n]? y Overwriting ./hosts Received 1 file(s) from NSR server `networker' Recover completion time: Thu Aug 12 17:34:06 EDT 2010
# recover -f -d /tmp/ -a /etc/All the files will be recovered to /tmp/etc.
# recover -f -c otherclient -d /tmp/ -a /etc/The -t option can be used to do a point-in-time recover of a file and/or file system. For example, to recover the /etc/hosts file of 09/05/2010 at noon:
# recover -s networkerserver -t "09/05/2010 12:00" -a /etc/hostsRecovering multiple files is also possible. For example, if you wish to recover 2 mksysb images:
# recover -f -c client -s server -a mksysb.image1 mksysb.image2
Use this procedure to quickly configure an HACMP cluster, consisting of 2 nodes and disk heartbeating.
Make sure you have the following in place:
clinit:a:wait:/bin/touch /usr/es/sbin/cluster/.telinit
Enter a cluster name and select the nodes you're going to use. It is vital here to have the hostnames and IP address correctly entered in the /etc/hosts file of both nodes.# smitty hacmp Initialization and Standard Configuration Configure an HACMP Cluster and Nodes
Enter an IP Label/Address (press F4 to select one), and enter a Network name (again, press F4 to select one).# smitty hacmp Initialization and Standard Configuration Configure Resources to Make Highly Available Configure Service IP Labels/Addresses Add a Service IP Label/Address
Enter the name of the resource group. It's a good habit to make sure that a resource group name ends with "rg", so you can recognize it as a resource group. Also, select the participating nodes. For the "Fallback Policy", it is a good idea to change it to "Never Fallback". This way, when the primary node in the cluster comes up, and the resource group is up-and-running on the secondary node, you won't see a failover occur from the secondary to the primary node.# smitty hacmp Initialization and Standard Configuration Configure HACMP Resource Groups Add a Resource Group
Select the resource group you've created earlier, and add the Service IP/Label.# smitty hacmp Initialization and Standard Configuration Configure HACMP Resource Groups Change/Show Resources for a Resource Group (standard)
Just hit [ENTER] here. Resolve any issues that may come up from this synchronization attempt. Repeat this process until the verification/synchronization process returns "Ok". It's a good idea here to select to "Automatically correct errors".# smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Verification and Synchronization
Select both nodes to start. Make sure to also start the Cluster Information Daemon.# smitty hacmp System Management (C-SPOC) Manage HACMP Services Start Cluster Services
Wait until the cluster is stable and both nodes are up.# clstat -o # cldump
So, we're going to set up the disk heartbeat network on device hdiskpower4, with PVID 000a807f6b9cc8e5:# lspv | grep hdiskpower4 hdiskpower4 000a807f6b9cc8e5 None
Select both nodes to create the concurrent volume group on by pressing F7 for each node. Then select the correct PVID. Give the new volume group a name, for example "hbvg".# smitty hacmp System Management (C-SPOC) HACMP Concurrent Logical Volume Management Concurrent Volume Groups Create a Concurrent Volume Group
Select "diskhb" and accept the default Network Name.# smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure HACMP Networks Add a Network to the HACMP Cluster
# smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Discover HACMP-related Information from Configured Nodes
Select the disk device on both nodes by selecting the same disk on each node by pressing F7.# smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure HACMP Communication Interfaces/Devices Add Communication Interfaces/Devices Add Discovered Communication Interface and Devices Communication Devices
Topics: AIX, EMC, SAN, Storage, System Admin↑
If you get a method error when trying to rmdev -dl your hdiskpower devices, then follow this procedure.
Cannot remove hdiskpower devices with rmdev, get error "method error (/etc/methods/ucfgpowerdisk):"The fix is to uninstall/reinstall Powerpath, but you won't be able to until you remove the hdiskpower devices with this procedure:
# odmdelete -q name=hdiskpowerX -o CuDv(for every hdiskpower device)
# odmdelete -q name=hdiskpowerX -o CuAt(for every hdiskpower device)
# odmdelete -q name=powerpath0 -o CuDv
# odmdelete -q name=powerpath0 -o CuAt
# rm /dev/powerpath0
# rm ./etc/PowerPathExtensions # rm ./etc/emcp_registration # rm ./usr/lib/boot/protoext/disk.proto.ext.scsi.pseudo.power # rm ./usr/lib/drivers/pnext # rm ./usr/lib/drivers/powerdd # rm ./usr/lib/drivers/powerdiskdd # rm ./usr/lib/libpn.a # rm ./usr/lib/methods/cfgpower # rm ./usr/lib/methods/cfgpowerdisk # rm ./usr/lib/methods/chgpowerdisk # rm ./usr/lib/methods/ # rm ./usr/lib/methods/ucfgpower # rm ./usr/lib/methods/ucfgpowerdisk # rm ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/ # rm ./usr/sbin/powercf # rm ./usr/sbin/powerprotect # rm ./usr/sbin/pprootdev # rm ./usr/lib/drivers/cgext # rm ./usr/lib/drivers/mpcext # rm ./usr/lib/ # rm ./usr/lib/ # rm ./usr/lib/ # rm ./usr/lib/drivers/mpext # rm ./usr/lib/libmp.a # rm ./usr/sbin/emcpreg # rm ./usr/sbin/powermt # rm ./usr/share/man/man1/emcpreg.1 # rm ./usr/share/man/man1/powermt.1 # rm ./usr/share/man/man1/powerprotect.1
Topics: AIX, EMC, PowerHA / HACMP, SAN, Storage, System Admin↑
Issue when trying to bring up a resource group: For example, the hacmp.out log file contains the following:
cl_disk_available[187] cl_fscsilunreset fscsi0 hdiskpower1 false cl_fscsilunreset[124]: openx(/dev/hdiskpower1, O_RDWR, 0, SC_NO_RESERVE): Device busy cl_fscsilunreset[400]: ioctl SCIOLSTART id=0X11000 lun=0X1000000000000 : Invalid argumentTo resolve this, you will have to make sure that the SCSI reset disk method is configured in HACMP. For example, when using EMC storage:
Change/Show Custom Disk Methods Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * Disk Type (PdDvLn field from CuDv) disk/pseudo/power * New Disk Type [disk/pseudo/power] * Method to identify ghost disks [SCSI3] * Method to determine if a reserve is held [SCSI_TUR] * Method to break reserve [/usr/lpp/EMC/Symmetrix/bin/emcpowerreset] Break reserves in parallel true * Method to make the disk available [MKDEV]
This describes how to configure the EMC PowerPath registration keys.
First, check the current configuration of PowerPath:
# powermt configThe install the keys:
Warning: all licenses for storage systems support are missing or expired.
# emcpreg -install(Note: the license key used in this example is not valid).
=========== EMC PowerPath Registration ===========
Do you have a new registration key or keys to enter?[n] y
Enter the registration keys(s) for your product(s),
one per line, pressing Enter after each key.
After typing all keys, press Enter again.
Key (Enter if done): P6BV-4KDB-QET6-RF9A-QV9D-MN3V
1 key(s) successfully added.
Key successfully installed.
Key (Enter if done):
1 key(s) successfully registered.
EMC Grab is a utility that is run locally on each host and gathers storage-specific information (driver version, storage-technical details, etc). The EMC Grab report creates a zip file. This zip file can be used by EMC support.
You can download the "Grab Utility" from the following locations:
tar -xvf *tarThen run:
/tmp/emc/emcgrab/emcgrab.shThe script is interactive and finishes after a couple of minutes.
If you run into not being able to access an hdiskpowerX disk, you may need to reset the reservation bit on it:
# /usr/lpp/EMC/Symmetrix/bin/emcpowerreset fscsiX hdiskpowerX
There is a known bug on AIX with Solution Enabler, the software responsible for BCV backups. Hdiskpower devices dissapear and you need to run the following command to make them come back. This will happen when a server is rebooted. BCV devices are only visible on the target servers.
# /usr/lpp/EMC/Symmetrix/bin/mkbcv -a ALL
hdisk2 Available
hdisk3 Available
hdisk4 Available
hdisk5 Available
hdisk6 Available
hdisk7 Available
hdisk8 Available
hdiskpower1 Available
hdiskpower2 Available
hdiskpower3 Available
hdiskpower4 Available
Topics: EMC, Installation, SAN, Storage↑
You can run into an issue with EMC storage on AIX systems using MPIO (No Powerpath) for your boot disks:
After installing the ODM_DEFINITONS of EMC Symmetrix on your client system, the system won't boot any more and will hang with LED 554 (unable to find boot disk).
The boot hang (LED 554) is not caused by the EMC ODM package itself, but by the boot process not detecting a path to the boot disk if the first MPIO path does not corresponding to the fscsiX driver instance where all hdisks are configured. Let me explain that more in detail:
Let's say we have an AIX system with four HBAs configured in the following order:
# lscfg -v | grep fcsLooking at the MPIO path configuration, here is what we have for the rootvg disk:
fcs2 (wwn 71ca) -> no devices configured behind this fscsi2 driver instance (path only configured in CuPath ODM table)
fcs3 (wwn 71cb) -> no devices configured behind this fscsi3 driver instance (path only configured in CuPath ODM table)
fcs0 (wwn 71e4) -> no devices configured behind this fscsi0 driver instance (path only configured in CuPath ODM table)
fcs1 (wwn 71e5) -> ALL devices configured behind this fscsi1 driver instance
# lspath -l hdisk2 -H -F"name parent path_id connection status"The fscsi1 driver instance is the second path (pathid 1), then remove the 3 paths keeping only the path corresponding to fscsi1 :
name parent path_id connection status
hdisk2 fscsi0 0 5006048452a83987,33000000000000 Enabled
hdisk2 fscsi1 1 5006048c52a83998,33000000000000 Enabled
hdisk2 fscsi2 2 5006048452a83986,33000000000000 Enabled
hdisk2 fscsi3 3 5006048c52a83999,33000000000000 Enabled
# rmpath -l hdisk2 -p fscsi0 -dAfterwards, do a savebase to update the boot lv hd5. Set up the bootlist to hdisk2 and reboot the host.
# rmpath -l hdisk2 -p fscsi2 -d
# rmpath -l hdisk2 -p fscsi3 -d
# lspath -l hdisk2 -H -F"name parent path_id connection status"
# lspvTo summarize, it is recommended to setup ONLY ONE path when installing an AIX to a SAN disk, then install the EMC ODM package then reboot the host and only after that is complete, add the other paths. Dy doing that we ensure that the fscsiX driver instance used for the boot process has the hdisk configured behind.
hdisk10 0003027f7f7ca7e2 rootvg active
# lsdev -Cc disk
hdisk2 Defined 00-09-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk10 Available 00-08-01 EMC Symmetrix FCP MPIO Raid6