May 22, 2022
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

November 17, 2021
Red Hat 8.5 released

August 18, 2021
Rocky Linux 8.4
When Red Hat announced that it would be shifting its focus from CentOS Linux to CentOS stream, it stunned developers all over the world. Rocky Linux (and AlmaLinux) were born as a result of this decision.
Rocky Linux intends to act as a downstream build, similar to CentOS, creating updates after they have been added by the upstream distributor, rather than before. It is an open enterprise community operating system. Gregory Kurtzer, one of CentOS's founders, is one of the main developers.
Rocky Linux 8.4 is now fully supported by UNIX Health Check. We have tested this new operating system thoroughly and we've updated our software to function correctly on it.
Do you work with CentOS 8? If you want, you can opt to convert to Rocky Linux 8.4. Simply follow these instructions on Github to migrate correctly. Please make sure to create a snapshot (or a backup) first, before migrating.

May 5, 2021
CentOS Stream 8 support
The support for CentOS Linux 8, as a rebuild of RHEL 8, will end at the end of 2021. CentOS Stream continues after that date, serving as the upstream (development) branch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. To learn more about CentOS Stream, please visit:

April 1, 2021
AlmaLinux support
In December 2020, Red Hat announced that they will shift focus from CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream. The focus on Stream should help the diverse group of large business users to quickly integrate the software into production environments. It also means that CentOS8 as we know it, will be End-of-Life by the end of this year.
After the announcement, CloudLinux developers decided to build AlmaLinux. It was created as a replacement for CentOS. AlmaLinux is a 1:1 compatible fork of RHEL and CloudLinux is committed to provide support until at least 2029.
Tell us about your AlmaLinux experience! We are curious about your findings and professional opinion about AlmaLinux. Please let us know and send us an email at
If you have any questions for UNIX Health Check about AlmaLinux, or if you need additional information, you can always open a support ticket at

May 2, 2020
Support for RHEL 7.8 and 8.2 added

March 25, 2020
Using files to include & exclude check scripts
If you're familiar with UNIX Health Check's command line options (See: Using options with the checkall master script), then you probably know that you may use the "-s" option to specify the check scripts to be included, and you can use the "-E" option to exclude specific check scripts.
However, specifying a lot of check scripts on the command line can become time-consuming and messy, as reported by some of our clients. As such, from now on you may also specify text files that contain lists of check scripts to be included and/or excluded. You may also mix check scripts and text files containing lists of check scripts.
For example, the following is now possible:
Create a text file that contains all the scripts you wish to exclude, specifying each script on a separate line, for example in file /tmp/excludelist:
Next, specify this filename using the "-E" option to exclude the scripts:# cat /tmp/excludelist checkzip.ksh checkzombies.ksh
# ./checkall.ksh -v -E /tmp/excludelistAs mentioned before, you may also mix check scripts and text files listing check scripts. For example, the following will work:
# ./checkall.ksh -v -E /tmp/excludelist,/tmp/excludelist2,checkcpuspeed.kshTo use this new feature, please make sure to download the latest version of UNIX Health Check.
This is an example of how our organization listens to possible improvements to our software!
January 27, 2020
Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog listing
Red Hat launched the new Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog in October 2019 to better feature and promote Red Hat certified products. The Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog is the official source for discovering and learning more about the Red Hat Ecosystem of Red Hat and certified third-party products and services. Through the newly enhanced catalog, customers are able to easily explore and learn about Red Hat certified product(s) in order to build solutions and run their businesses.
Look us up at

November 11, 2019
Support for RHEL 8.1 added
September 4, 2019
Support for RHEL 7.7 added
CentOS 7.7 is not yet available. The same is true for version 8.0 updates of Scientific Linux and CentOS. Version 8.0 of Oracle Linux has been released by Oracle in July this year and is also currently supported by UNIX Health Check. We will watch out for upcoming releases and update the UNIX Health Check software when these updates become available.
May 16, 2019
IBM Marketplace
Come and visit us at:
May 13, 2019
RHEL 8.0 support included
Even though version 8.0 is now supported by UNIX Health Check, we do recommend that upgrades of production RHEL systems be postponed until Red Hat releases at least version 8.1 or 8.2 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. We generally recommend using the N-1 latest version, meaning: do not use the very latest version of a piece of software, but the version before that, unless there is a very specific reason for doing so. Any dot-zero release, or any software just recently released for that matter, might still contain some serious bugs, which are most likely to be resolved in the next major update (version 8.1). By keeping your systems at level N-1, you guard your Linux systems against any undiscovered bugs.

March 27, 2019
Software available as RPM package
Besides in the format of RPM packages, our software is also still available as TAR file images, allowing you to choose the software distribution format of your preference. For detailed instructions, please refer to our UNIX Health Check documentation page on this website.
December 4, 2018
Support for RHEL 7.6 added
October 26, 2018
New demo versions available
We have updated our demo versions for the UNIX Health Check software, for both the Red Hat and AIX versions. From now on you can download demo versions that include the first 100 checks of the full versions of our software. This will provide you a very good idea of what our software can do for you.
June 10, 2018
GDPR compliance
May 2, 2018
Support for Power9 hardware added

April 12, 2018
Support for RHEL 7.5 added
April 9, 2018
Two Thousand Check Scripts
And no, we're not stopping here. We'll continue on our path to ensure UNIX Health Check is and remains the best health check software for Linux and Unix available.

February 13, 2018
Spectre and Meltdown updates

Meltdown vulnerability allows a program to access the kernel’s private memory areas. This memory can contain the secrets (including passwords) of other programs and the operating system. Spectre also deals with kernel memory but it is slightly different. This vulnerability actually allows a malicious program to trick another process running on the same system to leak their private information.
The way to resolve these vulnerabilities is by updating both the firmware of the computer system, as well as loading Operating System updates. The vendors we work closely with, IBM and Red Hat, have both released various firmware and Operating System updates. The UNIX Health Check software was recently updated to include various checks to ensure your UNIX computer systems do indeed have these updates installed.
Most operating system updates to address the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities have been released by their respective Operating System vendors, but please be aware that many hardware vendors are still working to patch their firmware, as they rely on third-party CPU vendors (such as Intel) to provide updated code to mitigate these vulnerabilities completely. As such, here at UNIX Health Check we'll continue to monitor the situation, and update our software accordingly, as new Operating System and firmware levels become available.
September 26, 2017
Support for CentOS 7.4 and more
September 6, 2017
PowerHA 7.2 support update

It is our goal to always keep our software up-to-date with any new AIX related software releasees, and updating the support of UNIX Health Check for AIX for PowerHA SystemMirror 7.2 showcases that we indeed do this. UNIX Health Check for AIX also recently received many updates regarding other AIX related software and firmware/microcode.
August 16, 2017
UNIX Health Check supports RHEL 7.4
As always, you can expect from us to stay up-to-date to the latest changes on AIX and Red Hat. We'll make sure to incorporate any new releases within our health check software. Red Hat has released version 7.4 of its popular operating system on August 1st, 2017.

June 6, 2017
UNIX Health Check website launched
The new website represents more accurately what our organization stands for: Creating the best health check software for different UNIX versions and brands.
June 1, 2017
Red Hat version available

Unix Health Check for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Now the same functionality of UNIX Health Check for AIX becomes available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux and Scientific Linux systems, something that many of our customers have asked us to provide.
UNIX Health Check for Red Hat Enterprise Linux offers the exact same options and features as UNIX Health Check for AIX.
If you're familiar with the AIX version, you'll find that it will be very easy for you to also use it on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
UNIX Health Check for Red Hat Enterprise Linux supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5 through 7.3, and similar versions of CentOS, Oracle Linux and Scientific Linux. The Fedora Linux distribution, even though being closely related to Red Hat, however, is not supported.
Considerable time and effort went in to developing, programming, designing and regression testing UNIX Health Check for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, to ensure our software is reliable, fast and creates valuable output for our customers, and works on various Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions. And just like UNIX Health Check for AIX, a demo version is available for customers. This demo version includes the first 50 checks of the full version of UNIX Health Check for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
For a limited time, we are offering a discounted rate for licensing UNIX Health Check for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as an introductory rate. A discount of 20% is also available if you license both AIX and Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions of UNIX Health Check at the same time. And if you are an existing customer using the AIX version, and you also wish to start using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux version, then please contact us and we'll make sure you can benefit from the same discounted rate.
April 2, 2017
Products renamed
January 7, 2017
PowerHA/XD and GLVM support
New check scripts have been added to AIX Health Check in the cluster category. An easy way to run the check scripts in the cluster category, is by using the -C option:
# checkall.ksh -C cluster
Customers with a valid license for AIX Health Check may download the latest version of AIX Health Check to benefit from this newly added functionality.
September 19, 2016
IBM Edge discount
You can now benefit from a special conference discount: Order by November 1, 2016 for a $450 conference savings on the regular price, when you mention "Outthink Status Quo" while ordering.

January 20, 2016
Support for AIX 7.2 announcement

If you have licensed AIX Health Check, please make sure to visit our download page to get the latest version that includes new updates for AIX 7.2.
April 1, 2015
1,200 checks and increased security

Amongst the improvements are many security checks that will assist you in improving your AIX systems' security.
January 13, 2015
Categories of scripts
Now you can do so by using the new -C option that has been added to both Red Hat Health Check and AIX Health Check. It allows you to specify a category of scripts to be run. Several available categories of scripts exist. For example, you can run all security check scripts, or all storage check scripts, or all check scripts in the backup category. You can review a full list of the available categories in our online documentation.
August 13, 2014
POWER8 support

New in the latest version of AIX Health Check is support for SMT8, as well as support for the latest technology levels of AIX 7.1, such as Technology Level 3, including the latest Service Packs.
August 11, 2014
1,100 checks
May 14, 2014
PowerHA 7.1 support

Please note that PowerHA 6.1 is moving out of IBM support on April 30th, 2015. At that time, you'll either need extended support for PowerHA 6.1 (equals additional cost!) or have migrated all your clusters to PowerHA 7.1.
April 11, 2014
1,000 Checks
April 10, 2014
OpenSSL Heartbleed bug

UNIX Health Check makes it easy for you. Our latest version (version 14.04.10 and up) includes a check to make sure your UNIX systems are secure. Another good example of how UNIX Health Check stays up to date with the latest developments in UNIX security.
For more information, visit our blog at
February 25, 2014
Global presence

UNIX Health Check customer locations
May 1, 2013
900 checks
If you'd like to review the latest updates to AIX Health Check, please visit the overview of most recent updates to AIX Health Check on our website. The same information can also be found in the CHANGES file that is included in the AIX Health Check distribution.
And always make sure to download the latest version of AIX Health Check.
April 28, 2013
POWER7+ certification

January 31, 2013
IBM Business Partner

December 6, 2012
WPAR support
October 23, 2012
XML output

XML tree of AIX Health Check output displayed using Foxe XML viewer.
For a larger image, click here.
October 18, 2012
IBM Power Systems Technical University discount

Representatives of UNIX Health Check will be present at the Dublin and Las Vegas versions of the 2012 IBM Power Systems Technical University in October 2012. Because of that, you can now benefit from a special conference discount on AIX Health Check: Order by November 2, 2012 for a $300 conference savings on the regular price. For more information, download our flyer:
- AHC_IBM_Power_Systems_Technical_University_2012_flyer.pdf
[PDF - English - 205 KiB]
September 10, 2012
Introducing VIOS support

Be sure to download the latest version of AIX Health Check.
August 15, 2012
750 checks
- View the most recent updates to AIX Health Check.
- For customers with a valid license: Download the latest version.
August 10, 2012
Performance Improvements realized using AIX Health Check
The following is the result of an AIX Health Check exercise with one of our clients, where we were asked to showcase AIX Health Check. The system involved is a Power7 795, with 1280 GB memory and 256 processors. The initial run of AIX Health Check yielded the following results:

As you can see, 736 checks were run in 364 seconds, and the score was almost 92%. After making several improvements, as suggested in the AIX Health Check report, AIX Health Check report was run again on the same system, and yielded the following results:

Now, when the score of the system had improved to 99%, the same 736 checks could be run in only 126 seconds, in 66% less time. Although this doesn't constitute a true performance test, it does show that AIX is capable of running AIX Health Check a lot less time, if all best practices are applied. And it does prove as well that by not configuring and tuning your AIX system properly, that you may be wasting a lot of system performance.
February 28, 2012
AIX Health Check featured in IBM Systems Magazine

January 31, 2012
Automating the download of AIX Health Check
There's no need to download AIX Health Check on a regular basis to your desktop system, and then to manually transfer the software to your AIX systems. We understand that doing so, involves a lot of manual labor, especially if you're managing many AIX instances.
Instead, it is possible to download AIX Health Check directly to your AIX systems. And it is also possible to automate downloading the latest version through the use of a simple script.
If you own a valid license of AIX Health Check and you want to automate the manual task of downloading updates of AIX Health Check to your AIX systems, please be sure to check out this page for instructions on automating the download of AIX Health Check.
January 31, 2012
Demo version available
The demo version includes the first 50 checks of AIX Health Check and Red Hat Health Check. The full version of AIX Health Check consists of over 600 checks, and comes with a full year of maintenance and support, including the possibility of downloading the most recent update of AIX Health Check.
- Download the AIX Health Check demo version here.
- You may also be interested in: UNIX Health Check data sheet