Topics: AIX, Networking, ODM

AIX: Delete multiple default gateways

An AIX system should have a single default gateway defined. However, sometimes, it does occur that a system has multiple default gateways. Here's information to detect multiple default gateways and how to get rid of them:

First, obtain how many gateways there are:

# odmget -q "attribute=route" CuAt

        name = "inet0"
        attribute = "route"
        value = "net,-hopcount,0,,0,"
        type = "R"
        generic = "DU"
        rep = "s"
        nls_index = 0

        name = "inet0"
        attribute = "route"
        value = "net,-hopcount,0,,0,"
        type = "R"
        generic = "DU"
        rep = "s"
        nls_index = 0
If there are more than one, you need to remove the excess route. For example, to remove the default route to
# chdev -l inet0 -a delroute="net,-hopcount,0,,0,"
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/chginet):
        0514-068 Cause not known.
0821-279 writing to routing socket: The process does not exist.
route: not in table or multiple matches
0821-207 chginet: Cannot add route record to CuAt.
Then verify again:
# odmget -q "attribute=route" CuAt

        name = "inet0"
        attribute = "route"
        value = "net,-hopcount,0,,0,"
        type = "R"
        generic = "DU"
        rep = "s"
        nls_index = 0

Topics: AIX, ODM, System Admin

Automatically e-mail error report entries

You can automatically forward all error report entries to your email. This next part describes how to do that.

Create a file like this:

# cat /tmp/mailgeorge
  en_method="errpt -a -l $1|mail -s \"errpt: $9\""
Add this to the ODM:
# odmadd /tmp/mailgeorge
Now log an entry in the error report:
# errlogger "My coffee is cold"
You will see in the error report:
# errpt -a
LABEL:          OPMSG

Date/Time:       Tue Oct  6 15:57:58 CDT 2009
Sequence Number: 585
Machine Id:      0004D6EC4C00
Node Id:         hostname
Class:           O
Type:            TEMP
Resource Name:   OPERATOR


User Causes

        Recommended Actions

Detail Data
My coffee is cold
Clear the error log again (because we logged a fake test-entry in the error report):
# errclear 0
Watch your email. You should receive the same error report entry in your email.

By the way, you can delete this from the ODM like this:
# odmdelete -q 'en_name=mailgeorge' -o errnotify

Topics: EMC, Installation, ODM, SAN, Storage

How to cleanup AIX EMC ODM definitions


  1. Before making any changes, collect host logs to document the current configuration. At a minimum, save the following: inq, lsdev -Cc disk, lsdev -Cc adapter, lspv, and lsvg
  2. Shutdown the application(s), unmount the file system(s), and varyoff all volume groups except for rootvg. Do not export the volume groups.
    # varyoffvg <vg_name>
    Check with lsvg -o (confirm that only rootvg is varied on)
    If no PowerPath, skip all steps with power names.
  3. For CLARiiON configuration, if Navisphere Agent is running, stop it:
    # /etc/rc.agent stop
  4. Remove paths from Powerpath configuration:
    # powermt remove hba=all
  5. Delete all hdiskpower devices:
    # lsdev -Cc disk -Fname | grep power | xargs -n1 rmdev -dl
  6. Remove the PowerPath driver instance:
    # rmdev -dl powerpath0
  7. Delete all hdisk devices:
    For Symmetrix devices, use this command:
    # lsdev -CtSYMM* -Fname | xargs -n1 rmdev -dl
    For CLARiiON devices, use this command:
    # lsdev -CtCLAR* -Fname | xargs -n1 rmdev -dl
  8. Confirm with lsdev -Cc disk that there are no EMC hdisks or hdiskpowers.
  9. Remove all Fiber driver instances:
    # rmdev -Rdl fscsiX
    (X being driver instance number, i.e. 0,1,2, etc.)
  10. Verify through lsdev -Cc driver that there are no more fiber driver instances (fscsi).
  11. Change the adapter instances in Defined state
    # rmdev -l fcsX
    (X being adapter instance number, i.e. 0,1,2, etc.)
  12. Create the hdisk entries for all EMC devices:
    # emc_cfgmgr
    # cfgmgr -vl fcsx
    (x being each adapter instance which was rebuilt). Skip this part if no PowerPath.
  13. Configure all EMC devices into PowerPath:
    # powermt config
  14. Check the system to see if it now displays correctly:
    # powermt display
    # powermt display dev=all
    # lsdev -Cc disk
    # /etc/rc.agent start

Topics: AIX, LVM, ODM

Removing ODM information of a logical volume

Sometimes situations occur where a logical volume is deleted, but the ODM is not up to date. E.g. when "lsvg -l" doesn't show you the logical volume, but the lslv command can still show information about the logical volume. Not good.

To resolve this issue, first try:

# synclvodm -v [volume group name]
If that doesn't work, try this: (in the example below logical volume hd7 is used). Save the ODM information of the logical volume:
# odmget -q name=hd7 CuDv | tee -a /tmp/CuDv.hd7.out
# odmget -q name=hd7 CuAt | tee -a /tmp/CuAt.hd7.out
If you mess things up, you can allways use the following command to restore the ODM information:
# odmadd /tmp/[filename]
Delete the ODM information of the logical volume:
# odmdelete -o CuDv -q name=hd7
# odmdelete -o CuAt -q name=hd7
Then, remove the device entry of the logical volume in the /dev directory (if present at all).

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