If an AIX server is backed up by Veritas NetBackup, then this is how you can enable logging of the backups on your AIX client:
First, make sure the necessary folders exist in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs, and the access is set to 777, by running:
Then, you have to change the default debug level in /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf, by adding:# mkdir bp bparchive bpbackup bpbkar bpcd bpdbsbora # mkdir bpfilter bphdb bpjava-msvc bpjava-usvc bpkeyutil # mkdir bplist bpmount bpnbat bporaexp bporaexp64 # mkdir bporaimp bporaimp64 bprestore db_log dbclient # mkdir symlogs tar user_ops # chmod 777 *
VERBOSE = 2By default, VERBOSE is set to one, which means there isn't any logging at all, so that is not helpful. You can go up to "VERBOSE = 5", but that may create very large log files, and this may fill up the file system. In any case, check how much disk space is available in /usr before enabling the logging of the Veritas NetBackup client.
Backups through Veritas NetBackup are initiated through inetd:
Now all you have to do is wait for the NetBackup server (the one listed in /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf) to start the backup on the AIX client. After the backup has run, you should at least find a log file in the bpcd and bpbkar folders in /usr/openv/netbackup.# egrep "bpcd" /etc/services bpcd 13782/tcp # VERITAS NetBackup bpcd 13782/udp # VERITAS NetBackup # grep bpcd /etc/inetd.conf bpcd stream tcp nowait root /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd bpcd