UNIX Health Check demo versions

Download the demo version of UNIX Health Check, and try it for yourself. You'll be running reports in a matter of minutes.

The demo version contains the first 100 checks that are included in the full version of UNIX Health Check.

Instructions for use:

  1. Download the demo version of UNIX Health Check that you wish to try.

    For UNIX Health Check for AIX, download: For UNIX Health Check for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux and/or Scientific Linux, download:
  2. You can download it to your desktop, and afterwards transfer it to the UNIX system of your choice. Or, if you have wget installed on your UNIX system, download it directly to your UNIX system, by running:

    For AIX:
    # wget https://unixhealthcheck.com/files/ahc_demo.tar
    for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux and Scientific Linux:
    # wget https://unixhealthcheck.com/files/rhc_demo.tar
    Note: Please run UNIX Health Check software on a test system first, before running it on a production system.

  3. Place the tar archive in a folder of your choice on the UNIX system, for example, in folder /uhc:

    Note: The examples below are for the AIX version of UNIX Health Check, using file ahc_demo.tar. For the Red Hat Enterprise Linux version of UNIX Health Check, replace the filename with rhc_demo.tar.
    # mkdir /uhc
    # mv /tmp/ahc_demo.tar /uhc/
    Note: Make sure that the destination location for UNIX Health Check software has at least 128 MB of available disk space:
    # df -m /uhc

  4. Un-pack the tar archive:
    # cd /uhc
    # tar -xvf ahc_demo.tar

  5. If you wish to receive a report by email from UNIX Health Check, make sure you can send email from the UNIX system, for example by running:
    # cat /etc/hosts | sendmail -v email@address.com
    Note: Please change "email@address.com" to your own email address.

    Note: If you can't send email from the UNIX system, you will have to configure sendmail (for AIX and Red Hat Enterprise Linux) or postfix (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and/or make sure DNS is properly configured, and the hostname and fully qualified domain name of the server can be properly resolved.

  6. Run UNIX Health Check, to create a full HTML report (using option "-h") in the same folder (which is default), adding descriptions for each check (using option "-d") and send it to your email address (using the "-m" option):
    # /uhc/checkall.ksh -h -d -m email@address.com
    Note: The HTML output file will be written to the same folder, in which the checkall.ksh script is located, and it is called checkall_hostname.html.

    Note: The report generated by UNIX Health Check will include the actual hostname of your server instead of "hostname" in the output file.

    Note: When using UNIX Health Check on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or CentOS, CentOS Stream, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux and Scientific Linux), run "checkall.sh" instead of "checkall.ksh". The default shell for AIX systems is the Korn Shell (short: ksh), and all check scripts of the AIX version of UNIX Health Check use the extension "ksh". The default shell for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the Bourne Again Shell, or Bash, and all check scripts of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux version of UNIX Health check use extension "sh".

  7. Run UNIX Health Check, to create a TEXT report (using option "-l" for text log) in the /tmp folder (using option "-f /tmp/checkall_hostname.txt") with added descriptions for each check (using option "-d":
    # /uhc/checkall.ksh -l -f /tmp/checkall_hostname.txt -d

  8. If you wish to see the report being generated as you run the checkall.ksh (AIX) or checkall.sh (Red Hat) script, then add the "-v" option. For example, to run the UNIX Health Check software on a Red Hat based system and to have it generate an HTML style report (by using the "-h" option) along with descriptions (by using the -d" option), and displaying the output as it is being generated (by using the "-v" option), run:
    # /uhc/checkall.sh -vdh

  9. This information should be sufficient to generate your first reports. For further instructions, please see: For any comments, concerns or questions regarding using UNIX Health Check, please use our contact information: