Topics: Docker, Kubernetes, Red Hat / Linux, System Admin

Prune old Docker data

When using Docker, or when using Docker as a container run-time for Kubernetes, over time, some unused data may build up on the system that runs Docker, for example on worker nodes of a Kubernetes cluster. This unused data may include images that were once downloaded locally, but are no longer used, for example, when a deployment to Kubernetes was once done, but later removed. This unused data may become quite a lot of data, and file systems may over time fill up because of this.

There is a simple Docker command that will prune all the unused data, and this command is:

# docker system prune -a
If you don't want to worry about pruning any unused Docker data, then schedule a cron job on your system as user root, like this:
0 */12 * * * * docker system prune -a -f

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