What do you need?
- Install either curl or wget on your Linux or AIX system, if not already installed. For AIX: These tools are not part of a regular AIX installation. You can download the RPM for these tools from the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications or from Perzl.org. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux: You can use the familiar yum command to install the packages. Please ensure you are using the latest version of wget or curl.
- Your UNIX system needs Internet access, and needs to be able to resolve the "unixhealthcheck.com" domain through DNS.
For example, test with a simple ping:# ping unixhealthcheck.com
- You need a valid license for UNIX Health Check, which provides you a login (in the format of an email address) and a password to access the UNIX Health Check download page. If you are unable to download the UNIX Health Check software manually from the download page, then you won't be able to automate the download as well. Please contact our Support team, if you need assistance.
Here's an example of how you can use curl to download the latest version of UNIX Health Check (assuming your login/email address is "user@email.com" and your password is "mypassword"):
For AIX:
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux and Scientific Linux:curl -d "emailaddress=user@email.com&password=mypassword&os=$(uname)" \ --referer https://www.unixhealthcheck.com \ https://www.unixhealthcheck.com/downloadauto.php \ -o ahc_latest.tar
This command will download file ahc_latest.tar or rhc_latest.tar in your current folder. Please note that providing the email address, password and referer is required. Without it, the download will fail.curl -d "emailaddress=user@email.com&password=mypassword&os=$(uname)" \ --referer https://www.unixhealthcheck.com \ https://www.unixhealthcheck.com/downloadauto.php \ -o rhc_latest.tar
The same download can be accomplished with wget:
For AIX:
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux and Scientific Linux:wget --post-data \ "emailaddress=user@email.com&password=mypassword&os=$(uname)" \ --no-check-certificate --referer=https://www.unixhealthcheck.com \ https://www.unixhealthcheck.com/downloadauto.php \ -O ahc_latest.tar
Once you have downloaded the ahc_latest.tar or rhc_latest.tar file, you will be able to un-pack the file and use UNIX Health Check.wget --post-data \ "emailaddress=user@email.com&password=mypassword&os=$(uname)" \ --no-check-certificate --referer=https://www.unixhealthcheck.com \ https://www.unixhealthcheck.com/downloadauto.php \ -O rhc_latest.tar
Automating download with a script
You can automate downloading UNIX Health Check easily with the use of a shell script. The script that is shown below downloads UNIX Health Check with the use of wget, will un-pack the downloaded file, run UNIX Health Check, send an HTML style report through email, and clean up afterwards.
For AIX:
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux and Scientific Linux:#!/usr/bin/ksh # VARIABLES emailaddress="user@email.com" password="mypassword" folder="/uhc" wget="/usr/bin/wget" myfile="ahc_latest.tar" # Test if folder already exists. if [ -d ${folder} ] ; then echo "Folder ${folder} already exists. Aborting." exit fi # Test if wget is executable. if [ ! -x ${wget} ] ; then echo "Wget does not exist or is not executable. Aborting." exit fi # Create a folder to store UNIX Health Check: echo "Creating folder ${folder}..." mkdir -p ${folder} # Download the file. echo "Downloading UNIX Health Check..." ${wget} --post-data \ "emailaddress=$emailaddress&password=$password&os=$(uname)" \ --no-check-certificate --referer=https://www.unixhealthcheck.com \ https://www.unixhealthcheck.com/downloadauto.php \ -O ${folder}/${myfile} >/dev/null 2>&1 # Un-pack the downloaded file. if [ -s ${folder}/${myfile} ] ; then cd ${folder} echo "Un-packing the downloaded file..." tar -xvf ${folder}/${myfile} >/dev/null 2>&1 cd - >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Removing downloaded file..." rm -f ${folder}/${myfile} # Run UNIX Health Check. if [ -x ${folder}/checkall.ksh ] ; then echo "Running UNIX Health Check..." ${folder}/checkall.ksh -hdm ${emailaddress} echo "Removing folder ${folder}..." rm -rf ${folder} else echo "Encountered an error with checkall." echo "Removing folder ${folder}..." rm -rf ${folder} exit fi else echo "Error downloading UNIX Health Check." echo "Removing folder ${folder}..." rm -rf ${folder} exit fi
The script above can be used to download UNIX Health Check to your UNIX system in folder /uhc. Please make sure to provide the correct login/email address and password combination in the beginning of the script for variables email address and password, and if you wish to specify a different location for storing UNIX Health Check, you can change this in the script as well, by updating the folder variable.#!/bin/bash # VARIABLES emailaddress="user@email.com" password="mypassword" folder="/uhc" wget="/bin/wget" myfile="rhc_latest.tar" # Test if folder already exists. if [ -d ${folder} ] ; then echo "Folder ${folder} already exists. Aborting." exit fi # Test if wget is executable. if [ ! -x ${wget} ] ; then echo "Wget does not exist or is not executable. Aborting." exit fi # Create a folder to store UNIX Health Check: echo "Creating folder ${folder}..." mkdir -p ${folder} # Download the file. echo "Downloading UNIX Health Check..." ${wget} --post-data \ "emailaddress=$emailaddress&password=$password&os=$(uname)" \ --no-check-certificate --referer=https://www.unixhealthcheck.com \ https://www.unixhealthcheck.com/downloadauto.php \ -O ${folder}/${myfile} >/dev/null 2>&1 # Un-pack the downloaded file. if [ -s ${folder}/${myfile} ] ; then cd ${folder} echo "Un-packing the downloaded file..." tar -xvf ${folder}/${myfile} >/dev/null 2>&1 cd - >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Removing downloaded file..." rm -f ${folder}/${myfile} # Run UNIX Health Check. if [ -x ${folder}/checkall.sh ] ; then echo "Running UNIX Health Check..." ${folder}/checkall.sh -hdm ${emailaddress} echo "Removing folder ${folder}..." rm -rf ${folder} else echo "Encountered an error with checkall." echo "Removing folder ${folder}..." rm -rf ${folder} exit fi else echo "Error downloading UNIX Health Check." echo "Removing folder ${folder}..." rm -rf ${folder} exit fi
The output of the script above, will look like this (assuming you have named the script "run-uhc"):
# ./run-uhc Creating folder /uhc... Downloading UNIX Health Check... Un-packing the downloaded file... Removing downloaded file... Running UNIX Health Check... Removing folder /uhc...