Topics: DB2, IBM Content Manager
DB2 Tips
How to determine the type of DB2 database logging is used (circular or archival):
# su - db2inst1 -c db2 get database configuration for [database]Check for the entries LOGRETAIN and USEREXIT. If both of them are set to OFF (which is the default), then the database uses circular logging. If they are set to RECOVERY and ON respectively, then archival logging is used.
Archival logging is necessary if you wish to be able to roll forward all transactions after a restore of the database.
Getting help on error codes:
# db2 ? SQL0964cIf you wish to know more on error code SQL0964c.
Listing tables in other schema
db2> list tables for schema s1Describing a table
db2> list tables for all
db2> select tabschema, tabname from syscat.tablesView the database manager configuration
db2> describe table [schema-name].[table-name]
# db2 get dbm configContent Manager DB2 tips
- Give each Content Manager database a different name; don't leave them at default (for example ICMNLSDB). This will cause problems when doing federated searches across multiple content manager systems.
- Do not use the database catalog function on the client for naming databases, this is not supported within ICM.
- Use UTF-8 databases (not ISO8859-1) because it supports the Euro symbol. UTF-8 databases have a negative performance impact, limited to an increase of 50% of the database size, compared to single-byte (ISO8559-1) encoded databases.
- Keep the DB2 databases and the Content Manager system on the same server. Basically because the Library Server is not more than a bunch of stored procedures in the database itself. Also, because it eases the backup, which will be far more difficult to create consistently across multiple systems.
- Keep the number of WAS (WebSphere) threads equal to the number of DB2 database connections. Having more WAS threads than available database connections, will cause problems in Content Manager.
If you found this useful, here's more on the same topic(s) in our blog:
- Running icmrm as a Windows service
- IBM Content Manager introduction
- ICM System Administration
- IBM Content Manager links
- Configuring the System Administration Client for IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms
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