Topics: DB2, IBM Content Manager, WebSphere
ICM process check
DB2 database check:
# ps -ef | grep db2loggwThis command shows you the (log writer processes of the) DB2 databases that are active. To show the DB2 instance list:
# su - db2inst1 -c db2 list active databasesCheck if the db2agents and db2sysc are active via ps -ef. If one of these are not functioning, the database will not be active.
# su - db2inst1 -c db2ilist
Check connectivity to DB2 database:
# su - db2inst1IBM HTTP Server check:
# db2 connect to [database-instance] user [user-name] using [password]
db2 list tables
db2 list applications
db2 connect reset
Check the HTTP process using:
# ps -ef | grep httpserverStartup a web browser to http://[server]/ and to https://[server]/.
Check the eClient:
# ps -ef | grep eClient_ServerWebSphere check:
Start a browser to http://[server]:9090/admin and login with ID wasadmin or icmadmin. Start a command window, go to the WebSphere directory (WebSphere/AppServer/bin) and run:
# serverstatus -allIndividual WebSphere applications can be stopped with stopserver icmrm (if you would like to stop the Resource Manager) and startserver icmrm (server1 is the default WebSphere server).
Check the Resource Manager
Start a browser to http://[server]/icmrm/ICMResourceManager. If you get output about a NULL request, it's fine.
Other checks:
http://[server]/icmrm/snoop should output information of the Snoop Servlet.
https://[server]/icmrm/ICMRMAdminServlet should show RM diagnostic data (You'll probably have to logon with the rmadmin userid).
If you found this useful, here's more on the same topic(s) in our blog:
- Backup tips for IBM Content Manager
- DB2 catalog for databases in different instances
- WebSphere links
- Installing ICM on Windows
- Icmrmvolval and finding the document
UNIX Health Check delivers software to scan Linux and AIX systems for potential issues. Run our software on your system, and receive a report in just a few minutes. UNIX Health Check is an automated check list. It will report on perfomance, capacity, stability and security issues. It will alert on configurations that can be improved per best practices, or items that should be improved per audit guidelines. A report will be generated in the format you wish, and the report includes the issues discovered and information on how to solve the issues as well.
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